Upcoming Events

Palestine Friendship Tour
An immersion trip to the West Bank, specifically engaging with Palestinian activists, freedom fighters, and with special visits to Jericho, Jerusalem, and Hebron
¿Está Servida la Mesa? Food Security Issues in Cuba
A webinar on hunger and issues of food insecurity facing the Cuban people featuring academic experts, activists, and Cuban pastors from our partners at FIBAC.

Movie Night: Where Olive Trees Weep
The film gives background to the current crisis in Israel/Palestine and brings to light the lives of people who live in the occupied West Bank. Their universally human stories speak of intergenerational pain, trauma and resilience.

Peace Camp
We gather in 2024 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of BPFNA-Bautistas por la Paz. For four decades, we have witnessed how our roots have grown and strengthened, establishing a solid trunk that sustains our commitment to building peace rooted in justice anywhere in the world or on our Continent. In the story of the parable of the Sower in Mark 4:1-9, we find a source of inspiration to continue our work for peace with renewed vigor and dedication.
Check in will start at 10:30am on July 15.
Check out July 20 (Breakfast + Final Blessing and goodbye ending by 9:30am)

Young Peacemakers' Toolbox: An Introduction
Rev. Anita Peebles, who served on the project’s resourcing team, will teach us about the Young Peacemakers’ Toolbox and facilitate a workshop to plan time with young peacemakers in a variety of contexts.

Jason Smith Preaching at St. Charles Ave. Baptist Church
Congregational partner St. Charles Ave. Baptist Church is in New Orleans, La.

Navigating the Cuban Embargo for Humanitarian Activities
A U.S. State Dept virtual program to help faith- and humanitarian-based groups navigate current restrictions related to Cuba.

Open Mic
The Open Mic has always been a beloved activity for everyone in BPFNA. We want to end this year gathering as a family and enjoying a space where we can freely share our gifts and talents. Remember, you can share whatever you want (music, poem, a reading, visual art, a dance, etc) or simply join in the moment with other peacemakers.

Giving Tuesday
This year we're offering a special gift to celebrate 40 years of being rooted in peace. If you donate $40, we'll send you a Christmas ornament handcrafted by an artisan in Mexico.

Movie Night
After a court order sends him to work at a hospice, an ex-criminal strikes up a friendship with a compassionate priest who changes his life. Based on a true story. A story about love for the world and for other people, and about the fact that everyone deserves a second chance.

Just Peace & the Holy Land
On Thursday, Oct. 19, Rev. Allison Tanner, long-time BPFNA partner and National Organizer for the Apartheid-Free Communities initiative will help us better understand how Israeli apartheid functions and the ways both Christian and interfaith communities can work together for Palestinian liberation.

BPFNA Sunday
All partner congregations are invited to observe BPFNA Sunday. You’ll receive a worship guide with a full service of scripture readings, prayers, litanies, music, and other liturgical elements—including a sermon starter guide. Join churches around the world in worshiping around the theme Moving Mountains!
Email erica@bpfna.org to sign up or with questions.
Access liturgy and other relevant files on Google Drive.

Her Story: Congregational & Individual Action
For women's history month this March, BPFNA~Bautistas por la Paz is lifting up stories of women and their experiences with migration in a series of webinars. We’ll hear from experts in the field and local leaders in our member nations as well as share testimonies from women who have experienced dislocation, economic instability, and family separation. How can peacemakers support the reproductive rights of women on the move, speak out against violence and abuse, and promote gender equality?
We give thanks to the Gemmer Foundation for their partnership in grant support making this project possible.
Puerto Rico: 8pm
Eastern / Horario del Este / Cali, Colombia: 7pm
Central / Horario del Centro 6pm / México: 6pm
Mountain region / Horario región Montaña EUA: 5pm
Pacific / Horario del Pacífico: 4pm
Register at http://bit.ly/her-story-migrant-women

Her Story: Tijuana/San Diego
For women's history month this March, BPFNA~Bautistas por la Paz is lifting up stories of women and their experiences with migration in a series of webinars. We’ll hear from experts in the field and local leaders in our member nations as well as share testimonies from women who have experienced dislocation, economic instability, and family separation. How can peacemakers support the reproductive rights of women on the move, speak out against violence and abuse, and promote gender equality?
We give thanks to the Gemmer Foundation for their partnership in grant support making this project possible.
Puerto Rico: 8pm
Eastern / Horario del Este / Cali, Colombia: 7pm
Central / Horario del Centro 6pm / México: 6pm
Mountain region / Horario región Montaña EUA: 5pm
Pacific / Horario del Pacífico: 4pm
Register at http://bit.ly/her-story-migrant-women

Her Story: Venezuela/Colombia
For women's history month this March, BPFNA~Bautistas por la Paz is lifting up stories of women and their experiences with migration in a series of webinars. We’ll hear from experts in the field and local leaders in our member nations as well as share testimonies from women who have experienced dislocation, economic instability, and family separation. How can peacemakers support the reproductive rights of women on the move, speak out against violence and abuse, and promote gender equality?
We give thanks to the Gemmer Foundation for their partnership in grant support making this project possible.
Puerto Rico: 8pm
Eastern / Horario del Este / Cali, Colombia: 7pm
Central / Horario del Centro 6pm / México: 6pm
Mountain region / Horario región Montaña EUA: 5pm
Pacific / Horario del Pacífico: 4pm
Register at http://bit.ly/her-story-migrant-women

Her Story: Context of Migration
For women's history month this March, BPFNA~Bautistas por la Paz is lifting up stories of women and their experiences with migration in a series of webinars. We’ll hear from experts in the field and local leaders in our member nations as well as share testimonies from women who have experienced dislocation, economic instability, and family separation. How can peacemakers support the reproductive rights of women on the move, speak out against violence and abuse, and promote gender equality?
We give thanks to the Gemmer Foundation for their partnership in grant support making this project possible.
Puerto Rico: 8pm
Eastern / Horario del Este / Cali, Colombia: 7pm
Central / Horario del Centro 6pm / México: 6pm
Mountain region / Horario región Montaña EUA: 5pm
Pacific / Horario del Pacífico: 4pm
Register at http://bit.ly/her-story-migrant-women