Become a Member
We invite you to join our movement for peace and justice by becoming a member. As a member, you'll receive
ability to submit announcements in our monthly newsletter, Passing the Peace
a 10 percent discount in our online store
1 membership item
subscription to the Baptist Peacemaker digest
Membership means affirming our vision, making peace in your local context, and showing up for the BPFNA community.
Affirm our vision.
We envision a world where all people, following Jesus,
listen with openness;
speak with conviction;
resist evil;
receive hostility and return love;
break silences which harm;
resist cooperation with structures that cause hardship and suffering;
practice healing;
mend creation’s wounds;
offer hospitality to the refugee and the sojourner;
insist on human rights;
love friend and stranger, ally and enemy; and
point with their words, attitudes and actions to the acceptable year of God.
Make peace in your local context.
Work together with other peacemakers in your local community to bear witness to God's peace, rooted in justice.
Our members are active in a number of causes for peace and justice, including climate justice, decolonization, immigration, children and youth, LGBTQ rights, antiracism, and more.
Let us know how you're living into this calling.
Show up for BPFNA.
There are many ways to show up for our community:
attending Peace Camp
praying for peacemakers
making an annual financial contribution of
$50 if you live in the U.S. or Canada
$15 if you live in Latin America
creating materials to equip peacemakers
connecting with our staff or board members to use your gifts in creative ways
Will you be a peacemaker?
Please complete the questionnaire below to make your membership official.
A member of our staff or board will reach out soon.