I Am Loved by Nikki Giovanni
Title: I Am Loved
Author: Nikki Giovanni and illustrated by Ashley Bryan
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Reading Age/Grade Level: Preschool-3rd grade
Newbery Award honoree Ashley Bryan has hand-selected a dozen of National Book Award winner Nikki Giovanni’s poems to illustrate with his inimitable flourish.
There is nothing more important to a child than to feel loved, and this gorgeous gathering of poems written by Nikki Giovanni celebrates exactly that. Hand-selected by Newbery honoree Ashley Bryan, he has, with his masterful flourish of color, shape, and movement, added a visual layering that drums the most impartant message of all to young, old, parent, child, grandparent, and friend alike: You are loved. You are loved. You are loved. As a bonus, one page is mirrored, so children reading the book can see exactly who is loved—themselves!
What our vetting team has to say…
“This is a good one for children 7 - 11 years old who read chapter easy reading chapter books. Foster parents or social workers might also benefit from this one.”
”I highly recommend this to adoptive parents, foster parents, and anyone who deals with children who might be exposed to the foster system or CPS.”
”The book has a section at the end for a child to share their story. It's a great part of the book!”