Karen Hilliker
Board of Directors
Karen Hilliker (she/her) lives in London, ON and is an active member of Aylmer Baptist Church (ABC) in Aylmer, ON. Her first experience with BPFNA was through the International Baptist Peace Conference in Nicaragua in 1992 and wow what an experience that was! People of God expressing their faith and working through all sorts of circumstances to bring about peace. Karen says, ‘My privileged white butt had to get moving and I’ve been striving to live up to what God wants me to be ever since. Karen has also been connected with BPFNA since then, doing a stint on the Board in the early 2000s and being a regular at Peace Camp. For most of her career, Karen has worked in the charitable sector. Currently she works for Children’s Health Foundation, where they fund the local Children’s Hospital, as well as research and rehab facilities. Involvement in her church has included leading the senior youth group, teaching adult Sunday school and taking part in ABC’s mission trips, where they strive to do as much listening and learning as they work alongside those who have invited them to share their journey.