Jasmin Figueroa
Web Editor for Children & Youth
Jasmin Figueroa is the BPFNA intern helping us renew our resources for children and youth. Jasmin is a Princeton Theological Seminary graduate now pursuing her Ph.D. in Practical Theology at Boston University School of Theology. She has a pastoral heart and a passion for peace and justice. We were connected with Jasmin through the Hispanic Theological Initiative's (HTI) internship program.
Jasmin grew up in New York City, where she spent her life being influenced, in one way or another, by different religious and cultural traditions. Her Mennonite, Latinx evangélico, Catholic, and Jewish relatives; her years serving at a mid-sized charismatic church; and her internships at a Reformed church and in-patient psychiatric hospital instilled in her a deep appreciation for the roles that practical and pastoral theologies play in shaping communities. Jasmin seeks to make theological education accessible to all communities, while highlighting the gifts and contributions that her communities bring to the larger world. Her current research interest explores how minoritized U.S. millennials are embracing culturally competent and representative theologies and pastoral care practices in light of their experiences with oppression