Brian Kaylor

Board of Directors

Brian Kaylor (he/him) is president & editor-inchief of Word&Way, a historically Baptist publication since 1896. An independent media company, Word&Way produces a monthly magazine, podcasts, a website, and more, and partners with Baptist publications in Cuba, Venezuela, and elsewhere. Brian also serves as associate director of Churchnet, a statewide Baptist network of churches in his home state of Missouri. He previously pastored a church, worked for a local association, served as a contributing editor for Ethics Daily, and was an assistant professor in communication at James Madison University in Virginia where he led the advocacy studies concentration. Brian earned a Ph.D. and M.A. in political communication from the University of Missouri, and a B.A. in pastoral ministry and communication from Southwest Baptist University in Missouri. He is the author of four books on religion, politics, and communication, and his writings have been published by the Washington Post, CNN, Sojourners, Houston Chronicle, Religion News Service, Roll Call, and dozens of other publications. Al Mohler says Brian is a "liberal nitwit." Brian and his wife Jennifer and their son live in Jefferson City, Missouri.